Your Vote Matters

Vote April 29, 2023

Saving Lives & Saving Money in St. Tammany Parish Fire District 7

On the ballot for the April 29, 2023 election is a proposal for a millage increase for St. Tammany Parish Fire Protection District 7. This proposed increase will help ensure that our firefighters have the necessary resources to provide top-notch services and aid to our community.

We encourage all eligible voters to educate themselves on this proposal and to make their voices heard on election day. Your vote matters, and it is essential for our community’s growth and development.

Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you at the polls on April 29th!

A Message from Chief Whitehead

Dear Members of our Community,

As the Chief of our Fire Department, I am reaching out to you today with a critical message. Our department is in urgent need of improved equipment and more personnel to better serve and protect our community. We need additional millage to fund these critical upgrades.

As you know, our firefighters work tirelessly to protect our homes, businesses, and loved ones in times of emergency. However, our current equipment is outdated and in desperate need of replacement. This puts our firefighters at risk and limits our ability to respond effectively to emergencies. The proposed millage will provide funding to purchase new firefighting equipment, including state-of-the-art breathing apparatus, communication devices, and fire engines. With this equipment, we will be better equipped to save lives and protect property.

We firmly believe that this millage will pay dividends in the form of increased safety, peace of mind, and protection for our community. Your support is essential to our ability to provide the best possible service to our community, and we thank you. 


Chief Gary Whitehead
St. Tammany Fire Protection District 7

Did you know?

St. Tammany Parish Fire Protection District No. 7 serves one hundred seventy-six (176) square miles of area in St. Tammany Parish which is approximately 21% of the parish. That makes St. Tammany Fire Protection District 7 the LARGEST district in area in all of St. Tammany Parish.

Areas In Need of Improvement

St. Tammany Parish Council Meeting

On January 5, 2023, Chief Whitehead along with Board Chairman Chris Hnatyshyn, went before the St. Tammany Parish Council to propose the millage vote to be on the April 29, 2023, ballot. The motion was passed unanimously with zero absences. All we ask is that you educate yourself on the importance of this millage. Thanks Chairman Hnatyshyn for urging the Parish Council to support our fire district.

Review the Data

What's on the ballot?

“Shall Fire District No. 7 of the Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana (the “District”), levy a tax of eighteen (18) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $914,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of twenty (20) years, beginning with the year 2023 and ending with the year 2042, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating fire protection and emergency medical service facilities, vehicles and equipment, including movable and immovable property, to be used by the District directly or indirectly to provide fire protection and emergency medical services in and for the District?”